Digital Footprint Verification

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In today’s digital era, social media platforms have become a channel for expressing opinions and its growing popularity among professionals has made them an integral part of the background screening process – a precursor to a candidate’s hiring.

Understanding its significance in the process of recruitment, we at DataFlow with our leading Digital Footprint Verification solution, enable employers to recruit with confidence by identifying candidate’s behaviour such as violence, prejudice, and extreme tendencies, thereby protecting their business from unnecessary exposure to risk as well as their reputation.

Based on our cutting-edge technology, in-house capabilities and years of experience in credentials verification, our Digital Footprint Verification solution supplements and complements the existing verification process by providing a comprehensive assessment of a candidate’s behaviour online to ensure a cultural fit into an organisation and mitigating the risk of a wrong hire.

Our Digital Footprint Verification Solution


Ensures a cultural fit

Reviewing a candidate's social media behaviour from business standpoint including deep checks of any terrorist activity, violence, sexist or racist behaviour, thus confirming his/her suitability and cultural fit for the organisation.


Protects your reputation

Analysis of a candidates’ online behaviour and mentions on the deep web across clearly defined risk categories such as violence, hate and discriminatory behaviour, that could be a serious threat to a company’s reputation.

Saves the cost of a bad hire

A bad hire can cost 30 percent of employees first-year earnings. A deep check on a candidate’s online behaviour and any data breaches helps recruiters and HR hire with confidence - saving time and effort.

Protects your communities

Protecting you from licensing or employing a candidate that has displayed extreme opinions and aggressive content on social media, which could be a serious threat to the community.

What Risk Categories Do We
Assess Candidates On?

Click here to learn more about the Risk Categories

To learn more about how our Digital Footprint Verification Solution can complement your existing background screening process and protects your company’s reputation, write to us at

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